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He asked me where the person was and then stepped out from behind the counter and went out and confronted the offender and ran him off--which was very risky but immediately effective. I live right by Sunoco on Broadway Franklin and i can not go to my neighborhood store!!!

Don't give up! Keep up the watch. Sick of Prostitutes New Kingston Guest Yeah I live in the area. It's great to watch the crap that goes Prostitutes New Kingston around midtown. Cops walking the beat might help. It's also great to watch people use their "Benefits" card to buy cigarettes, beer and get cash back at the Sunoco.

I thought the card was supposed to reduce food stamp fraud what a joke. Another concern is the number of Pitbulls that seem to be invading midtown.

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It's only a matter of time before a kid, person or animal is attacked. Who is your alderman. I'm in Ward 4, Shirley Hashiem. Anyone who has some good stuff to say about their alderman, this is Prostitutes New Kingston good place. Still sick of it! Guest The police should crack down on the Johns who are soliciting the prostitutes. If there was an on going Prostitutes New Kingston maybe they wouldn't visit midtown for their fling. Uncle Sam Guest Content blocked by rejections.

Concerned business Guest My post got pulled. I guess the "powers that be" didnt like what I said so no one else is allowed to read it. Welcome back to Prostitutes New Kingston USSR people. Anonymous Guest dont worry im sure there will be alot more comments about that location. I know what you mean it is a mess there i dont even want to stop for gas or coffee anymore,smells and the pros and drug addicts always walking up to you for money or ervices.

What is acceptable behavior on SeeClickFix? This time talk like a lawyer. They are picking up guys daily. I am in a spot where Prostitutes New Kingston can see this go on day in and day out.

I see a Prostitutes New Kingston of pathetic old and some Prostitutes New Kingston so old men pulling over on Broadway and sometimes pulling into the parking lot and soliciting. It would be interesting to start taking pictures and posting them here.

My tax dollars are feeding them and taking care of the kids they arent allowed to keep anymore and they are out there spreading disease to these dirty old men and thier familys and making the neighborhood an eyesore so they can get over on the system and buy another rock to smoke.

I'm looking for an update on this issue. What I am looking for is photo evidence of the situation remaining the same. I'll take photos of any type of gatherings in the spot off to the side along that guard rail. Gerald Berke Registered User My own feeling is that things are going to change and are changing now.

Just this here is new. People Prostitutes New Kingston looking and if they see something, they say something and that's good to know. People know they are not the only ones, they are not alone, and it's not their imagination.

And everyone can see. This is really the opportunity of a lifetime: to be in on the beginning of change in KIngston and to be able to take part in it, people taking care, looking out, cleaning up, planting gardens. And when you're out on the street, don't forget to give the people a little smile. And check out Kingstonhappenings.

It may make more of an impact. Gerald Berke Registered User Very nicely done, thank you and you are quite right: the Prostitutes New Kingston does almost nothing in enforcement, just seeing that its laws are carried out. There are many violations on Broadway: maybe a modified block by block on Broadway would work? I did notice the Honda lot had had it's weeds knocked down a few weeks ago.

By all means, contact your alderman. And another office Prostitutes New Kingston might reach is the office of the Main Street Manager or the Mid Town Business Association, part of the Kingston Business Alliance, all of which get special attention and funds from the Prostitutes New Kingston of Kingston.

Prostitutes New Kingston was a wonderful cleanup day that was organized by Friends of Historic KIngston Prostitutes New Kingston the Broadway portion of the corridor got swept: looks like we need to do that much more often than once a year. But do write you alderman and the business organizations. And share that correspondence here. There is constant prostitutes and drug dealers hanging out in front of it.

I do not even go in there any more. It is hard to walk by with out getting asked if you have a dollar. The police sometimes sit in the parking lot between the Sunoco and the back lot but it does not deter the riff-raff.

It seems like both Sunoco's in Kingston are a problem that need to be handled in Kingston. Gerald Berke Registered User Maybe an answer is to go there more often. Anybody NOT a prostitute or a drug user, that would be a plus, yes? Well, I'm neither for any number of reasons :- So, I'll make it a point to stop in there often.

I live close, on Maiden Lane, no problem for me. Old joke about Texas where someone said it was nice, but all it needed was some water and some good people. It was observed that Hell would be much improved with the same additions. Water and good people: that's all it takes. Anonymous Guest A reasonable person who is going to chose not to be intimidated will agree with you, GB.

It's not like it's the old west there. It's just a presence that might not feel so comfy anymore if citizens took a stand and demonstrated their normalcy. Leave a bottle of water to show your support. Gerald Berke Registered User Reminded me to take a walk midtown Anonymous Guest "but all Prostitutes New Kingston needed was some water and some good people.

I wonder who owns that? That is of course Ward 4, alderman Shirley Hashiem. I'll send her a note on the ward 4 yahoo group MadJak Guest I don't think you need to worry about this problem. Soon Urban Renewal will come in and tear down the ghetto and move the scum to another part of the city. That's how the problem was solved back in the 60's. The City of Kingston is nothing more than a joke anymore. You couldn't pay me to move back there.

With an attitude like that It is getting crazy here in K-town.

Homosexual male prostitutes cause commotion in court Prostitutes New Kingston. Date Confirmed: Male homosexual prostitutes take over the streets. You can read more Prostitutes New Kingston the gay nightlife in Angoram on my other blog. The government. Not only do many hide their identity.

I live right off Broadway in not Prostitutes New Kingston a great neighborhood. I have lived in Kingston on and off for over 18 years and have seen so much. I am tired of the police abuse and lack of concern, not all of them but most. I try to give them the benefit Mike I Prostitutes New Kingston do,but it is bad. That is why I am leaving with my family in less than a year and moving south.

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I have had enough. I live near Sunoco. I see all of the bull and all of the nonsense that goes on by me. Especially the hookers that have sex near my house and it takes KPD 20 minutes or more to respond. It makes me sick. I hope your Watch has great success because it will need it.

I have had 3 of my family members already move this month and i am soon to follow. But it does suck that you have too Gerald Berke Registered User No doubt some who are leaving have already contributed to holding the line in Midtown I Prostitutes New Kingston down on West Union for a couple of years and the couple next door, Robert S.

There are yet some fine homes and people in Midtown. But yeah, if you can afford it, move away from Midtown Your responsibility to do right by your family comes first. Heck, you could move to lots of nicer places in KIngston. But moving south, to be with family: of course. Best of luck. And thanks for being here. If we had someone in Ward 4, strong, like Fuentes in Ward 5, wow, what a huge difference that could make!

And this Neighborhood Watch: it is the most active and effective citizen anti crime action I've ever seen And look how it is leveraging technology to get us all talking So, good luck to you, and good luck to us too. Feiden at 11 am today and there is a bullet hole in there front window.

I may be wrong it Prostitutes New Kingston be from a huge stone, but I Prostitutes New Kingston it. I Prostitutes New Kingston bullet holes when I see them. I live right near them. Prostitutes New Kingston

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This is what I am moving from. I just walked past there at I used to live right near Mike on Prostitutes New Kingston St. I lived there in Mike was a great guy then and still is today. I remember when he worked on the house next door and was nice to my kids and me Prostitutes New Kingston the winter. Helping me shovel out the car on the street. I wish the watch huge success and i hope the next mayor gets Kingston in shape.

Police were called, all was written up, only bullet fragments were found glass is hard It seems a man with a gun was seen around Prostitutes New Kingston a. It would be sooo nice to have a late night security camera Be cool, to have the whole midtown section of the Kingston Corridor watched You know, if that place were safer, you might see MORE people Prostitutes New Kingston the cool summer night.

Might miss some, but might get some, and none of the good guys are getting watched by "big brother". Berke now Midtown has a newer problem that Prostitutes New Kingston been bothering me and the police have done nothing to help me. I have had a man named Bill living in his car hear my home.

He had his car on the property of Perry's and then they towed it on the public street on the Vandeusen side. Prostitutes New Kingston sat there for 3 weeks with a blown engine. The man Bill urinated and does awful things near the car and has people in it all weekend long. I am not the only neighbor to complain to Perry's.

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Prostitutes New Kingston Tonight they asked Bill to remove his car from the public street. Which he did, Right in front of my house until I caught him pushing it there it does not run. I told him to get the piece of crap out from in-front of my house. He pushed it up and down Vandeusen until he realized it could not stay.

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Right in front of Perry's. I called the police at 8pm to tell them that Bill was pushing this car all over the Prostitutes New Kingston. I can see the car from my window.

This man is homeless and lives in his car and defecates near it. What is wrong with the police? Let's get this one taken care of. Please send me the address Suggestion: Start a new issue so we can track this By the way, Vandeusen is one nice street! The yards are really well kept, and you have commerce right there, a cabinet shop and a new art gallery opening in that great little building near Broadway.

Taking a while, but I expect that will be open to visitors on Kingston's First Saturday. Yes, a new issue, open it, we'll work on it, and get it closed. But these things Prostitutes New Kingston a little bit of time, so if it takes Prostitutes New Kingston week or two, please hang Prostitutes New Kingston there.

I printed off a copy of the whole string, so this whole string can be closed and reopened afresh. I am going to make a new issue. Thanks again. Eyes on Midtown Guest I live in midtown and have recently become involved in trying to clean up the area. I am getting bashed on this issue. I have done so much to help this man Bill with his homeless problem. I even spoke to Chiz at the Queens Galley to see if he could get a room.

No Go. He was thrown out last year. I talked to Tom at Eliz. No way he said. I called my friend at Crime Victims and she had a friend from Family get in touch with me, Bill does not want the help.

I did not call the police about this matter until Bill urinated and defecated next Prostitutes New Kingston the building. Then I was mad. I am done with this issue. I see how the other people are responding to this issue and it makes me sick. I have bent over backwards. I am sorry but I am done with this issue. Community Neighbor Registered User This is all true, and this person is way not the only one: I think every agency has had a crack at Bill P and in call cases, Prostitutes New Kingston he is a hazard to himself or to the public, he MUST ask for help.

For whatever can or can't be done, I consider these postings a warning call to everyone, look out, those hurried sounds the birds make when the cat or some such is around. It helps a whole lot to let people know It's a tough case, but it happens. By the way, there is some really good stuff happening on that very same section of Broadway I'm working on a write up This really is going to be a good year for Prostitutes New Kingston Anonymous Guest Bill is Prostitutes New Kingston mentally ill, have you tried a call to Social Services?

Unless he's a danger to himself or others, I don't think the police can do anything especially if he can speak and sign for himself. He may be Prostitutes New Kingston ill, but there's just enough there You'll never change someone like that. He needs more than supported living. He needs to be in a group home.

Many families in crisis. Darcy Guest It seems like the nicer the weather, the more people you see hanging out near the Sunoco I refuse to go anywhere near that store and am scared to go in there. It seems like there are always Prostitutes New Kingston hanging out in the parking lot, all times of the day or night. Yes we want businesses in mid-town, but not the kind that attract drugs and prostitution.


It does seem like the police are patroling mid-town more than usual. Here is all the information I have on them. I have called the manager at this location and the lease holder and I have had Prostitutes New Kingston long discussion with them regarding the issues that are ongoing. Both parties have told me that they will be more attentive to the goings on there and will call the police more to have these people removed from the Prostitutes New Kingston.

Gaston not sure on the spelling. I briefly told him of the complaints and the times of day basically early morning and the evening hours. Internally we are going to put the lease holder Prostitutes New Kingston written notice that they are in jeopardy of lease revocation Prostitutes New Kingston they do not make an effort to resolve these issues.

It may not sound like much but we are trying. Community Neighbor Registered User Yes! Well done, MItch, Mike!

We have a strong community ethos and human moderators to control excessive and possibly fraudulent issue reporting.

I'm sure we all see the efforts your Prostitutes New Kingston into getting this fixed. I saw a suspect jump in car and recorded license and gave to state police. I went Prostitutes New Kingston vacation after so I did not post this info till now. If you see something say something.

Take care all. Tell the aldermen and your fellow citizens you want the cops on foot at least part of the time they are on duty. Community Neighbor Registered User ah, now i'm going to be sorry I wrote that: sounded harsh, buford. I didn't mean to sound harsh. Anonymous Guest Lt. Gaston is very responsive. I've dealt with him before--he was awesome. Community Neighbor Registered User Thanks. And that's why, in my opinion, they don't get out of the cars. You state your opinion, your reasoning.

However, I disagree and would rather that the citizens continue to press the matter and raise the priority of having police occasionally get out of their cars, especially in the moments when they are not responding to an urgent call. And not Prostitutes New Kingston calls are urgent.

There is always some flexibility in scheduling and the answer is to be Prostitutes New Kingston, deploy your manpower strategically, do more with less. Indeed, working with less is a good exercise for honing management skills. We all know how to cut back, and Prostitutes New Kingston we do so and find it to our advantage.

This citizen is confident that there is an hour, someplace, that a cop can be on the beat. What is surprising is that there is not a single minute when one is. A perfect score. And that can't be. Anonymous Guest Perhaps the police could pull through that parking lot every time they are passing it just to make their "presence" known. Community Neighbor Registered User Prostitutes New Kingston we are, thinking about simple, rational responses that could be made. It's all down in black and white.

Eyes on Midtown Guest If there was a no loitering law in Kingston that might help Sunoco deal with their problem and midtown as well and a curfew Prostitutes New Kingston kids under 17 to be home by 11pm. Supreme78th Guest Frank I witnessed this first hand yesterday morning. There should be a "No Loitering" sign outside. Mitch N Guest Prostitutes New Kingston driving past this morning and I stopped as I saw several men sitting on the guardrail.

I went in got the mamnager to come out then called the police. I waited for a cruiser to come by and asked to have the men leave the Prostitutes New Kingston. The manager and I Prostitutes New Kingston a long talk with the responding officer about what we need to do to try change this location from being a hang out. It's gonna take time but we are trying to stay on top of it. Community Neighbor Registered User It's private property: the fact that the manager supported that action is wonderful.

While the Prostitutes New Kingston is doing that, it would be a good time for us to stop by and buy a paper, some milk, something That would be good support from the Neighborhood Watch, for instance.

If there's no one sitting outside, you might notice that and say, hey, nice I'll be sharing this topic on the watch's Facebook page.

Here is the link. I believe this will help the business and help police enforce the law. It will be so much nicer to walk past there on Broadway with out the harassment or to see Prostitutes New Kingston groups of prostitutes hanging around Prostitutes New Kingston property.

Feidens, and many other old buildings on Broadway are of architectural interest. Shaun Johnson, a local Kingston man, has been photographing those buildings, the interesting things we no longer see or see only as blight. Personally, Prostitutes New Kingston like Feidens, glad it is there: it's good and it is what it is and it works I shop, and I get my appliances there. Community Neighbor Registered User security cameras would be a very very very good idea.

Anonymous Guest well since the emails last week when I have been driving on broadway and there is a police car in the vicinity, it pulls into the parking lot so at least for the weekend the convenience store was an approachable place to shop on broadway Community Neighbor Registered User This is very good news.

Thanks again for the good news posting! I Prostitutes New Kingston seen the clerk I am assuming, please forgive me since I do not go in the store. He has been coming out and checking Prostitutes New Kingston lot and the guardrail and telling people to leave if they are loitering. It is so nice to see Sunoco looking clean. I will go in and use the services if i see that there is a constant awareness of the staff, management and the owner keeping up on there responsibilities. The only thing now is that the prostitutes sit across the Prostitutes New Kingston and yell for the Johns that pull in the lot behind Sunoco or they sit at the soon Prostitutes New Kingston be opened Restaurant on the corner of Broadway and Down.

Well, nothing is perfect but it is a start. That is soliciting. I personally will call that one in. If there is that kind of calling, the best they can say is "I wasn't talking to him. I live very close to the Sunoco gas Station. Not only do the crack heads, and prostitutes hang out there, but when they are told to get off the Sunoco property, they scatter to the 3 closest corners.

Johns are picking them up all times of the day. I saw an elderly man in a forest green suv picking up one of them on the corner last week. I also saw a newer silver suv picking up the same prostitute about 3 weeks ago, but I didnt see the driver. I go to the sunoco often, due to the fact that I dont drive. At first I wouldn't go alone at night, but now I can't go there alone during the day.

I buy cigarettes and I have Prostitutes New Kingston ask for a bag, otherwised Im harrassed all the way home. There is one man in particular who has asked Prostitutes New Kingston several times for a cigarette, when I refused I got called the b word. Until my boyfriend came out of the store, and when the man saw that I wasn't alone, he apologized.

Unless you have an excellant job, we have to live in these crappy areas. But regardless of how much I pay in rent I should feel safe to walk in and out of my home. Then there are all the crack heads begging me for money. Most of them arent threatening, but Im getting sick of having to make sure I have exact change in my pocket going to the closest corner store.

I shouldnt have to worry about getting robs.

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We need to arrest these drug addicts and get them some help and out of our community! Who the heck would want to have and raise kids here???

And yes if u pass the Sunoco around 7 am there are several HIspanic men sitting by the dumpster or on the rail, waiting for work. There not suppose to be here in the first place! I do agree that we need evidence Kingston corridor Guest It seems the men of Kingston are not doing their basic job of seeing that the Sunoco station or perhaps any other place in midtown safe for women and children.

The notion that there has to be a man right there is offensive. Contact Jennifer Fuentes, ward 5 alderman And join here ward 5 yahoo group: she gets things done. Lately the same bunch of Hispanic men have been sitting around Sunoco. I guess it depends on who is working. Some Prostitutes New Kingston it is good to go by and some days I am afraid to walk by. I believe the black male who always asks for cigarettes, his name is BOO.

That is what I was told his name is. Prostitutes New Kingston is around there day and night. I see him hanging now by Earl B. I see they have no soliciting in front of the store. Sunoco needs to put up the same signs. The police do not seem interested.

Have you heard of any prostitute stings or of any being arrested in the paper. I have seen him in Earl B Feiden's parking lot and surrounding areas. The signs at EBF seem to have some effect on the local ladies and they no longer hang out around the store from what I have observed.

Just a reminder If you see something say something. Take Care Kingston. Buford seems concerned with the employment status of the police as opposed to their performance, which is, in a Prostitutes New Kingston, poor.

It is a good question that many people in Kingston could ask: where are the police cars going, how is it tha they cannot get out of their cars to meet and greet the citizens, how is it that the city cannot hire part time police to put on the beat in the well known trouble spots in Kingston? Bad government, a bad alderman or two, a less than energetic police force Prostitutes New Kingston does not take a major police hiring just to fix the Sunoco problem.

Stopping, looking around, following the Prostitutes New Kingston of the many citizens who have written here, that takes a couple of hours over a couple of weeks: people Prostitutes New Kingston the law know they are breaking the law, and don't want to be recognized by the police certainly don't want to attract them. They know they are carrying drugs, etc, and don't want to Prostitutes New Kingston a search. Fearful in midtown Guest That's putting it nicely, but I like it- "a less than energetic police force.

They don't want the calls and they don't Prostitutes New Kingston to do anything about Prostitutes New Kingston. It's unsafe. I am one of them. I am going south where it is better and the community actually cares about crime.

My daughter is staying for God knows why? She has friends and is an adult. I hope she has a decent Kingston to live in or she is going to follow me to my new State. Kingston needs Prostitutes New Kingston improve or it will be in trouble. I have always loved and cared for Kingston. Some really nice people and I love going to my church but it is getting too hard to like it here. BOO is no threat just an annoyance also watch out for wheelers and bryan and jill greeke.

Kingston corridor Guest There are lots of reasons for a person to leave Kingston, to leave NY and to head south. And that Prostitutes New Kingston a personal choice and Prostitutes New Kingston, employment,hobbies, relatives all play a part. And there are manta reasons to come here too, including the world famous Hudson River Valley, the fabulous food, the farmers markets that dot the county, the incredible opportunity for arts, the air, the water.

And it may be hard to stay after clocking sone Prostitutes New Kingston years waiting and watching. Things look Prostitutes New Kingston, and then don't pan out. But in over 40 years in Kingston and Old Hurley and Woodstock, is the beat year for Kingston, ever. An artistic and tech savvy bunch of people have taken their energy and activism to the net and the place is hopping. I have been a member of this community for 15 years. If you are arriving in Kingston and want.

Global Network of Sex Work Projects. As he entered, he exclaimed, "yu nuh see Prostitutes New Kingston mi man love mi. Looking to travel to Jamaica, and wanna know a few things - Kingston Forum New But our country basically only benefits the outsiders, not the people born Kingston raised.

Search Go! Meredith then added, "Fair Hooker. Reeperbahn 88 - St. Anonymous Guest I stopped going there for gas Kingston 2 yrs. Jump to. Namespaces Article Talk. Prostitutes New Kingston, New Prostitutes New Kingston, Saint Andrew escort Jamaica is currently in Tier 2 status, meaning that their government does not fully comply with the minimum standard set out in the U. In fact, one revealed he had been at the location for about two years, while another said he was from Ocho Rios and had just been in the area for eight months.

Terms under which this service is provided to you. Most were also sporting bleached faces. Kingston homosexual prostitutes take over the streets of New Kingston. See All Kingston Conversations.

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A perfect score. If we had someone in Ward 4, strong, like Fuentes in Ward 5, wow, what a huge difference that could make! He, however, admitted that there is little they can do, as they would have to catch them and their buyers in action for charges to be laid against them.
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Whether this is true or not, is unseen. Stopping, looking around, following the leads of the many citizens who have written here, that takes a couple of hours over a couple of weeks: people breaking the know they are breaking the law, and don't want to be recognized by the police certainly don't want to attract them. It may not sound like much but we are trying. I hope your Watch has great success because it will need it. Especially the hookers Prostitutes New Kingston have sex near my house and it takes KPD. I Prostitutes New Kingston called the police many times as I live on Vandeusen and waited for them to show up.

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But what I do have a problem with is, having them sit by the Sunoco and wait for people to pick them up. Also, annonymous, on your Prostitutes New Kingston post, I agree percent.

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